The Untouchable Candidate: Hillary Clinton
Are you seriously thinking about the future of your country? The Presidential Election on November 8th, 2016 is extremely important and must be given your serious consideration. It is not a matter of what candidate gives the best speeches or uses the biggest words or has the best manners, or uses the most money to win, it is a matter of security, safety and prosperity for all citizens of the USA. It is a matter of living in a free society where the citizens follow the rules and live by the laws of the land. It is a matter of being proud and loving what America stands for. It is a matter of the United States of America first, in every possible way.
It is so disturbing to me that Hillary Clinton is allowed to break the laws of the USA and still be above reproach to run for the highest office in America. She breaks the laws and then tells us she "doesn't remember" or she "doesn't know". She has been in politics for 50 years and she still doesn't know that a red "C" means Confidential. ls this for real? Is she above it all with no consequences? It is disgusting that she can breaks the laws and laugh and joke about it. It is dangerous that she advocates open borders. It is irresponsible that she wants to increase un-vetted Muslim refugees into this country by 550%. It is lawless that she wants amnesty for 11 million ILLEGAL immigrants who broke the laws to be here. It is unbelievable that she favors protecting ILLEGAL CRIMINALS in sanctuary cities before our very own citizens. To many of us, it is impossible to understand why so many citizens are not looking at the issues and so many are overlooking the laws she has broken and the audacity to do whatever she wants.
Some females think that just because she is a woman she needs to be elected to this high office, thus they forget or forgo the seriousness of the worldwide issues facing this countries' survival. Ms. Clinton thinks she is above it all! So busy raising huge amounts of money for herself and her private Clinton Foundation, that she has become beholden to Muslim leaders and PACs who have donated millions to her Foundation/Campaign. It appears these donors are in a game of "Pay to Play" favors. It appears that they bought her future decisions and she is obligated in many future negotiations. As far as I am concerned, she would be a disaster for America and so extremely careless with the safety and needs of the American people. For the sake of America as we know it and the love of my family and friends, I will not, I can not vote for an established politician, someone who knowingly broke the laws and has an un-American platform.
No "extremely careless" politician for me! I will vote for a successful, businessman and the peoples' candidate who states he loves America and will make America Great Again: Mr. Donald Trump. Please join me in doing the same.
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