Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Conversation regarding New World Order (NWO) and American values.


Conversation regarding New World Order (NWO)
and American values.

Nancy P comment:
Yesterday at 12:08pm
What do you think the quality of your life would be if you had to live under the same roof with your entire family? Chaos! Having our own space to retreat to is what gives us tolerance to love each other. One global world order where all humans live in harmony is impossible. No man, woman or child deserves the false comfort of a foolish promise. Force divorced parents to remain in the same home for the sake of the children and tell me how those kids benefit. They don't and we all know it! Take a look at the American flag. That is our home! That is our country! The very one this current administration denies. I believe global unity needs to stem from various prospering nations, never by batching the world into one dreadful basket! I am appalled that our American president is inspired by a globalism that seeks to diminish the individuality of this country I know, love and cherish. Take a good hard look at our American flag. If you see it in distress, please stand up for it with your vote! What is at stake is much more important than either candidates weaknesses. You have to look at their visions for America! Where will you find that peace you so desperately long for? Those rooting for globalism want you to believe it is the only humane choice. Is it?

 Graysea's comment:
Absolutely right to respect and stand up for the American flag and the American way of life. Good analogy of everyone in one basket. To me, the New World Order (NWO) is unacceptable because we, as a free nation with our own Constitution, will lose control of our way of life as Americans. Could we, you, live with some foreign boss ruling the way you live your life? Get real! This will never work for freedom loving people, like Americans. The NWO seekers are pushing a false dream, for whose benefit is your guess or mine. I know how I feel about it. Forget it! It is so un-American! OK for Hillary who is already in the pockets of Muslim nations and has taken over $250 million dollars from them, but not so good for freedom loving nations. We need a change from the group in WH now. IMO it is not in our best interest. I will take a chance with a non political candidate, Mr. Trump, who states that he loves America and will Make America Great Again.

Nancy P comment:

Nancy P comment:
Just to be clear, what I am saying is I think a person of any faith is equally welcome in American if while practicing their faith, they also appreciate and respect the mainstream culture of our land. America has one flag...the American flag. Peaceful people don't need to be clones of each other, they simply have to recognize the laws of the land that keep us all safe. Unfortunately on the current path we are on, we are all being forced to look with concern at those around us. That is government gone bad! Bring back the days, not long ago, when we didn't have to question the intentions of our neighbors. Growing up I never paused to wonder if someone was looking to do me harm simply because of our different beliefs. I assumed our government was screening people coming into the country so I didn't have to. Now it seems they want to outsource that screening to each and every one of us. That ain't peace! My grandparents, I suspect like yours, were immigrants who came here for freedom and the dream of a better life. No Mr President, don't try to tell me radicals of any religion deserved my respect, and certainly don't try to shame me for being proud of my country. Praying people will look beyond the corrupt media and character flaws and vote for the candidate that will honor and defend our Constitution!

Graysea's comment:
Excellent statements and thoughts. We, Americans, have followed the United States Constitution/Declaration of Independence for many years now. It has brought us to this day where we are a proud, generous welcoming Christian nation of freedom loving citizens.. We have the right to raise our family in the way we feel is suitable to our own beliefs, (Freedom of Religion) . We have a right to go to work or not. (Freedom to pursue happiness) We have a right to question our elected officials or not (Freedom of speech). We have a right to expect protection from our Government officials, local, state and country. If we go to a New World Order (NWO) - world government - this would override our very own Constitution and Government as we know it now. IMO it would not be in the best interest for the citizens of the USA. Our country, United States of America, has always been the leader of the world: a very fair and generous body of people who have always taken the challenges from all over the world and solved the issues in the best possible interest for all. Many have died for the freedoms we enjoy today. As a first generation American, born in the USA, I love what it stands for. I dislike seeing our country torn apart by everyone's special interest. I am horrified when I see the US flag, National Anthem and Policemen disrespected. We don't need outsiders to tell us what to do and take our money to distribute it as the outsiders see fit. We don't need refugees/immigrants coming into our country to change and disregard our laws, in favor what they ran away from. The immigrants need to embrace our values and love our country and the rules we live by. We are a melting pot of various groups. The mixing of groups, has worked all these years and will continue working as the citizens before us planned many years ago. God Bless America!

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