Graysea's comment:
One big happy family. Clinton's rake it in and pay to keep out of jail. How convenient. Isn't it sad that so many voters look the other way and overlook the deletion of over 30,000 Government documents and over look the hammering phones and bleaching of documents on electronic devices when requested to turn them over to the Government, and allowing her servers open and unprotected with others having access to them. So extremely careless says the FBI. Imagine the laws being conveniently overlook jeopardizing many military and Government officials. Confidential matters being exposed for anyone to see/copy. The American public is shocked to see this law breaker running for the highest office in the land. Everyone who votes for her is aiding and abetting a criminal. She broke many laws that military officers/servicemen and people all over the country are in jail for. This is not right.
Not only breaking the laws that put many in prison, but using the State Department for the benefit of her Clinton Foundation. This is not right! Others would be fired. We are all equal and not above the law. Don't make it legal by voting for a law breaker.
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