Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Conversation on "The Grim Realities of Globalization In The New Millennium

Conversation about World Globalization 
Nancy said:
Should you be concerned with who gets elected? For me, globalism is the most important issue in this election. It's not where we have been, it's where we are going! Open borders, culture clashes, and poverty. Without American strength (jobs, pride, military, police etc) we are racing up the wrong road. What comes next, a draft for both men and women. Without pride, love and faith in this country there will be no honorable reasons that inspires our young to serve. Awful it would be to watch your young child walk out the door into a world that no longer believes in him. Your vote matters! Any experienced actor can brilliantly play a doctor, what they can't do is save lives. Just say no to globalism! I added my debate comments below.

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Nancy said:
Stamina...I can sit at a slot machine for 18 hours straight (yes I have done this). Maybe a certain kind of crazy obsession, but trust me it doesn't require all that much stamina.

Nancy said:
Obama old news I don't care where he was born. Waste of time, when Obamacare is a much more pressing topic facing America.

Nancy said:
 Taxes...paying taxes you don't owe is stupid. If following tax law and incentives he ends up not owing taxes. That is smart! I'd like to see America take financial responsibilities more serious, rather that watching our government hand almost 2 billion dollars in CASH over to an unscrupulous country acting against us.
Nancy said:
 Women/piggy issue....seriously reminds me of Simon from American Idol back in the day. Yes, it's bully talk especially ugly in our entertainment world, which is why most of today's tv anchors lookalike. Not right, but hardly shocking.
Nancy said:
 Guns...taking the guns out of law abiding citizens isn't the problem. Preventing criminal using guns violently from getting away with it more the issue that concerns me. Why put bad guys back on the street. How about new laws that reduce violent crimes that don't include weakening our society in a way that make us more helpless against the terror of tomorrow.
Nancy said:
Police...stats disprove BLM cause. While I believe there needs to be more tension training , I also believe we live in peace because of our laws and those who put their lives on the line protecting us. Today's race issue are being magnified, if not created, by this government to force the population to believe a foreign policing force would better serve our needs. FALSE!
Nancy said:
 Economy.....is a disaster and our financial system tinkers on a pray. While all is done to get you to believe all is well, from all I read....our money is about to take a nose dive like never before!
Nancy said:
 Little or no mention of.....email crime,Benghai, health, corruption of FBI, DOJ, ISIS, terror on our streets, Obamacare, immigration, foundation, payforplay, murders, rapes! Seems primary debate topics centered around her talking points rather than the real issue ahead.
Nancy said:
Equal pay for women.....already a law! FAct that greedy companies don't follow the law. Heck it is said nor does she pay campaign workers fairly as they say he doesn't even pay his, pretty much sums this topic up as an unequal argument. Just a flower to distract our attention from other serious concerns.
Nancy said:
 Lies.....yes though she denied, she did say TPP was gold standard. Yes, his reducing corporate tax rate from 35 to 15 percent is an actual change that will make it easier for companies to do business in American. After Bill C left office, money value was no longer based on gold, but on a digital (I believe it's called fiat?) paper where all financial entities started printing their own money.....a system that has more negatives than positives.
Nancy said:
 Murders.....if NYT hired 20 reporters to deeply dive into her past and find every possible dirt on her, how to you think the 60+ murders that directly relate to her time in office would compare to his calling someone fat? Serious can't make up this stuff....Look it up!
Nancy said:
 Trumps debt....comparing his properties and likely value to the debt she implied makes him a poor money manager really makes me laugh. Does she assume we can't see the math or understand how businesses manipulate debt and money to grow companies.
Nancy said:
 No matter how artificially polished the clintons are, I still rather not have those criminals back in the White House. While trump isn't perfect, his vision for America speaks loud and clear to my love for this country....one, beautiful American flag and vision is where I hope when all is said and done, we land on. If not, we might as well give up TV....watching murder and mayhem run amuck in a world with far and few decent jobs certainly will make my$232 cable bill seem worthless.
Nancy said:
Yes, I would give debate #1 presentation style to her, aside from some weary eyes she presented her ideas better than he did his. He was on the defense too much and oddly drinking water. However, being a new politician his first presidential debate clearly shows he can hold his own and it's easy to see how much he has improved over the months. My first time republican vote will proudly go to Trump. I see a man genuinely in love with America.....and that is good enough for me.
Graysea said:
Thank you, Nancy! I couldn't have said it better. You are right on in every point. Now to get our family, friends and neighbors to open their eyes and realize that their vote is very important and to see that this is a very serious election. American values are at stake here. Our American heritage will be dissolved in favor of the New World Order (NWO) dictators and to what these foreign leaders see best for the American people. We will lose our freedoms as we know them now. Our laws will be overruled by the NWO foreign leaders and their Foreign Army will control us. Make no mistake, the foreign elites want the power and they will rule us and the countries they control and overrule. Our Constitutional laws will not apply as we know them, because there will be wealthy, foreign elite leaders giving the orders, possibly the orders to shoot "Americans" if we rebel as a nation. No going back if we vote for the wrong leader. Start reading. The powers to be are already getting ready for this and the NWO is in motion, just waiting for it to happen. If we continue in the same directions of open borders using liberal Democratic actions and ideology, with the same leaders in office today, then we are heading for a rude awakening and a loss of freedoms. Think about it before you cast your vote. America, as we know it now, may change forever. 

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