Thursday, September 15, 2016

Refugee Healthcare Feds to spend $4.6 million next year Admitting 110,000K Refugees by 2017 Each Refugee Costs $64K to Resettle

Refugee Healthcare

Feds to spend $4.6 million next year

Admitting 110,000K Refugees by 2017

Each Refugee Costs $64K to Resettle

N's comment:

This is nuts! Go image search Google for American poor, American slums, American homeless, Homeless veterans. Then research how many company/jobs have or are leaving America. After that spend some time researching American terror related to refugees. while you are at it, check out Germany, France and other countries that are struggling to deal with this issue. Did I hear it right? $64,000 per person...wellness. Are you kidding me! How about we give Americans in crisis that tax payer money. Help these people in their homeland! Why cripple an already struggling country. Oh yeah, that is Obama's claim to fame! People complain Trump wants to take us back to the 80s, anyone worried that Obama/Hillary plans to take us back 100 years! No thank you!


GR comment:
Excellent comments!! I hope all the young working people, retirees and working class open their eyes and start paying attention to what is happening to our country. If they vote for the establishment as it is today, you can say bye to America as we know it. It will be worse than before. I know that some people think all is wonderful and everything they hear is so true, but they have to remember it is only crafted words they are spouting out to the people to distract from what is going on. What taxpayers don't realize is that the invasion has been going on for over 10 years and you are paying for it all with your tax money. Think about it, research it, do whatever you have to to see what is really going on in the USA. We the people have lost so much of our freedoms these past years.

N  comment:  Compassion must work both ways, which is why vetting and growth considerations should never be overlooked. People who hate Americans should never be offered a welcome mat! Yes there is a crisis, but why not fix their homeland without destroying ours.

GR comment:   Just remember, that many of these refugees have hidden money in foreign banks. They come here and get as much, if not more than we taxpayers and our children ever get. They get grants to start business, housing, food stamps, medical and etc... Much money goes back to their country for later use. They get so much more then even an unemployed taxpayer, or veteran or we seniors living on a fixed income. Just think of the Boston Mathron and two brothers whose family had immigrated to the United States around 2002: Not what we need in America now. Let's get the country back on track before we bring in anyone else. My grandchildren are pay college loans and paying their own housing, plus the taxes to the Government and have to save for years to enough to buy a house (the American Dream). Let's let this happen before we take in anymore refugees and support illegal immigrants. Vote for a change of direction in favor of the American citizens. Make America Great Again.

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