Feds to spend $4.6
million next year
Admitting 110,000K
Refugees by 2017
Each Refugee
Costs $64K to Resettle
N's comment:
This is nuts! Go image search Google for American poor, American slums, American homeless, Homeless veterans. Then research how many company/jobs have or are leaving America. After that spend some time researching American terror related to refugees. while you are at it, check out Germany, France and other countries that are struggling to deal with this issue. Did I hear it right? $64,000 per person...wellness. Are you kidding me! How about we give Americans in crisis that tax payer money. Help these people in their homeland! Why cripple an already struggling country. Oh yeah, that is Obama's claim to fame! People complain Trump wants to take us back to the 80s, anyone worried that Obama/Hillary plans to take us back 100 years! No thank you!

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