Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Christians In America Must Deny Their Faith In Christianity, Adhere To New Liberal Laws

She doesn't speak for me, ever! I like the first Amendment: Freedom of Speech. I want to stay free; I want my grandchildren to be free too. My serious suggestion to my family is to vote: #TrumpPence16 #MAGA

And after really listening to the words of her prepared speech, it bring to my mind all the money, $250 million, plus, from the Muslim leaders, whose countries practice Sharia Law, and degrade, kill, sell, mutilate, rape women daily. They also kill gay people. These Islamic Terrorist spread terror all over the world, even right here in the USA. I don't think she really cares about these people who are being killed, tortured, married under age, raped. sold, because she wouldn't be taking the blood money from these horrible countries. Just remember. Saudi Arabia has 1000 A/C livable tents empty. Why are they not taking in their brother Muslim refugees, as they are right there in the Middle East to help. It is beyond me, how she can cozy up to these Muslim leaders who do very little, if anything, to stop the butchery. Never, ever Hillary Clinton.
By Theodore Shoebat (Thanks to the Right Scoop) Hilary Clinton just said that Christians must deny their Faith through the enforcement of laws, by stating that the…

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