Friday, January 22, 2016

More on so-called "conservatives" trying to stop Trump! Look at the quotes from this news piece! "The man leading the charge, National Review editor Rich Lowry, explained in a "Kelly File" exclusive tonight that Trump doesn't truly understand the ideals and principles that make America great."
Really??? This is laughable! Anyone who would take time to read just TWO of his books "Time To Get Tough" and "Crippled America" would realize he understands better than ANYONE the ideals and principals that make America great! He IS a "true conservative who believes in things like limited government, the Constitution and liberty."
But the last remark is the icing on the cake: "He explained that the U.S. doesn't need a strong-arm leader with attitude, but instead someone to cut the government down to size and restore it to its rightful role."
YES, AMERICA DOES NEED A STRONG-ARMED LEADER WITH AN ATTITUDE!!!!! And the reason is so he CAN cut the government down to size and restore it to its rightful role!! We DESPERATELY need a strong-armed leader with an attitude - an attitude of AMERICAN CITIZENS FIRST and making sure the USA comes out on the winning end of every international negotiation!
If you agree with me, please comment below, and SHARE this like crazy!! Let's send a message to these so-called "conservatives" that WE ARE STANDING BEHIND DONALD TRUMP and WE WILL PUT HIM IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Go to all their facebook pages and tell them how you feel too - respectfully, but FIRMLY.
Leading conservatives are trying to persuade other "conservative thinkers" to speak out against Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.


Graysea's comment:

The heck with the stale good-for-nothing establishment politicians and know nothing media folks. Now is the time to vote for a real genuine candidate who wants to Make America Great Again! Get on board and vote for Donald Trump, like I did last week by absentee ballot. We need a change for our children and grandchildren. This note is especially sent to my family and friends. Please read up on what is happening to this country. Check out some of the stuff I am posting. Check out the refugee relocation program, that you are paying for and the groups who are sending them through, who you are also paying for. Don't listen to the same old words. Things are not good in this country. So much is covered up and added on to many bills that go through the congress. It is a mess! The American way of life, your way of life, is changing and you are not seeing it. As much as we want it --- everything is not all roses and beautiful blue skies. Many Americans see the gray clouds and many are full of thunder and want a drastic change in direction that this country has been going in for the past 8 years. The time for change is now. . Vote for Trump! This is a very important election.

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