Monday, January 25, 2016

Graysea's comment:

YES to LEGAL immigrants -- absolutely NO to ILLEGAL immigrants and un-vetted refugees!
Remember: this is about sending back ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO BREAK THE LAWS! No way will any American want these law breakers given a free pass into the USA. For sure, Americans would want refugees, or anyone else checked out before they enters the USA.
I believe Americans want borders and want to feel safe and secure in their beloved country, America ---- not the fear that has come over the country since 9/11.
Americans have always welcomed LEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO FOLLOW THE RULES and come in according to the laws of the land. Wake up America! We have a candidate who truly wants to make America Great Again and that is Donald Trump!

Another day, another huge win for the Trump campaign Many are lead to believe that Ted Cruz is tough on immigration and he's said time and time again that he is a champion…

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