SHOCK: Professors claim Trump could be 1st to win all
50 states
By Voltova Dmitri -
November 29,
In a shocking turn of events, professors and
political science analysts are declaring that Donald J Trump could become the
first person in American history to claim all 50 states in an election.
Admit it. Donald Trump is
a volcano in a forest of Ronson lighters.
You’re not going to stop
him. He may carry all 50 states.
The awareness of Trump’s
invincibility is dawning slowly for several reasons. Nobody wants to be
revealed as a fool if Trump flames out. Also, such a breathtaking prediction
hates to be borne all alone. “Out on a limb” is a lonely place for a pundit to
be. Then, too, a lot of heretofore wise observers are obeying the instinct to
adopt a “business as usual” stance. We put subconscious pressure on ourselves
so that yesterday’s “clown-by-consensus” isn’t too abruptly hailed as the
winner this absurdly long before the first vote is cast. The dreamers in the
GOP are still reassuring one another that Trump’s domination is a “summertime
thing,” and that come fall the public anger will be gone and the people will
ask themselves, “Is this the kind of person we want in the Oval Office?” Dream
on, Dear Establishment. People arealready asking that question, and
the answer is not just “Yes”; it’s “Hell, Yes!”
Eight years ago Americans
decided to take a chance on a “community organizer” without one single
discernable accomplishment, not even authorship of his own book! (Thank
you, Jack Cashill!)
Obama was editor of the Harvard Law Review – and never wrote a single
editorial. And we elected and re-elected him.
And now we’re taking the
measure of a billionaire 11 times over who’s boldly carved his
signature in stone and steel and golf-course green around the world, written
best-selling books and produced and starred in dazzlingly high-rated TV shows,
and you’re trying to tell me this world-class accomplishmentarian is
a summertime thing set to evaporate with the first fall chill? In a pig’s eye!
Even his worst enemies agree that Donald Trump gets things done. Meanwhile,
your community organizer is now a political kidney stone that will take 17 more
months to pass. You don’t like Trump’s rhetoric, maybe? What’swrong with “I
love this country and I want to make it great again”?
Donald Trump has ruptured
every rule of nature and human nature, science and political science, and
continues to sneer at the Law of Gravity itself as he personally and
deliberately pushes every down-button while his elevator nonetheless continues
up, up and up.
Sen. John McCain
satisfies most people’s definition of a war hero. Here comes Trump mocking
McCain as being a “war hero only because he was captured.” Some of those “wise
observers” declared Trump doomed even at that early point. And what happened?
Trump gained!
At the Fox News debate of
Aug. 6, some sinister force that wanted to stick it to Trump led things
off, not by obeying the natural and organic procedure of
calling for all those candidates who vowed to support the eventual Republican
nominee to please raise their hands. No. The moderator instead called for “all
those who will not pledge to support the eventual Republican
nominee” to please raise their hands. And whoever imposed that reverse wording
got his wish. There stood Trump in the middle of the pack, all alone with his
right hand in the air. And what happened? Trump gained.
Doesn’t our culture
forbid us to hit a woman? Meet Fox’s rapturous Megyn Kelly, whose very
appearance sets the syrups of the soul all a-sizzle even before her formidable
IQ approaches the scale for a weigh-in. Kelly ticked off a litany of horrendous
things Trump has uttered to denigrate women. Trump struck back hard. And what
happened? Trump gained.
Aren’t we supposed to
tire quickly in the presence of a braggart? Trump plunges with gusto and
abandon into firestorms of self-praise, citing his fabulous fortune, huge
achievements, the hordes of people who love him and his admittedly impressive
record for “getting things done”! Trump unloads like a sportscaster whose son
just scored the game-winning touchdown in the Super Bowl, as he shares the news
that there was just a poll in Nevada, and “I came in first among Hispanics!”
Aren’t candidates supposed to use subtle comments to smuggle across feelings
likely to win them votes? Trump puts it all out on the front porch where the
goats can get it. “And I’m going to take care of our warriors, whom I love! I
love our wounded warriors!” Again, Trump gained.
Is Trump lying about the
slump America’s fallen into? And isn’t it true that millions too few Americans
are working, that our military has been eviscerated, that our allies distrust
us, that our enemies no longer respect us, that we get beaten by smarter
adversaries across every negotiating table? And isn’t it true that smart, gutsy
leadership that knows what it’s doing could, indeed, make us great
If the anti-Trump rap
weren’t so pitiful I’d be much angrier. Forever we’ve longed for a leader who
didn’t have to mortgage himself out to fat-cats, a leader free to appoint the
best people and not the best donors. Now we’ve got him.
During the Civil War a
group of less successful generals complained to Lincoln that Gen. Grant was an
“Find out what he likes,”
snapped Abe. “And send him another case.”
I don’t think Trump
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