Hillary Clinton has taken over $250,000,000 million dollars from Muslim leaders for her Clinton Foundation . These countries stone women, drown women, throw acid on them, burn them alive, and so much more. They also throw gay people off roof tops. They stomp on babies. The butcher people by cutting off heads. They practice Sharia law and want to kill the infidels (us) and so much more. Hillary Clinton wants to bring 550% more un vetted refugees to this country ASAP. Hillary Clinton want to give millions of ILLEGALS amnesty.including the criminals in Sanctuary cities, that Hillary approves. Never will I vote for Hillary Clinton, a career politician who wants to take our sovereignty away by way of the New World Order. If you are not for Mr. Trump, then I would suggest you not vote at all because you will be part of destroying America as we have know it through the years. Never Hillary Clinton!

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