Friday, October 28, 2016

George Clooney Crooked Hillary Clinton. Clooney failed in seeing Hillary as “an informed, responsible, smart person.”

End The Fed
May 13
Well Well, George Clooney thinks that Donald J. Trump is NOT going to be the next President of the US because he's racist, and HATES the "refugees", but do you know who George Clooney supports ?
Crooked Hillary Clinton. Clooney failed in seeing Hillary as “an informed, responsible, smart person.”
Even here the inaccurate undereducated Clooney is wrong. Trump didn’t say he was going to ban Muslims. He said he was going to vet them. Perhaps, vetting them, considering they are so generally violent, might end up in banning them but not necessarily so.
Furthermore, Clooney might have a little more respect for the dead in San Bernardino, in Paris and in Brussels. He seems more worried about the #Muslims from whom the killers originated than the victims of these monsters. You can’t seem a nice guy when you step on the bones of your own dead.
Courtesy of Paul Joseph Watson
*Please share this, because the biased Lefty mainstream media will not!

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