Sunday, February 19, 2017

MFA - March For America Inc. is proud to announce our Spring April 22, 2017, Peaceful Red/White/Blue Themed March ... "Millions Unite - For Trump & Pence" /

About MFA - March For America

Non-Profit Organization · 
Phoenix, Arizona
#MFA - March For America is a non-for-profit organization established by Scott J. Binsack to protect religious and constitutional freedoms in America.

MFA - March For America Inc. is proud to announce our Spring April 22, 2017, Peaceful Red/White/Blue Themed March ... "Millions Unite - For Trump & Pence" / "Ladies Unite - They Don't Speak For Me" at the Washington Capitol. From 8 am to 12 pm we will gather in front of the Capitol with Guest speakers. From there we will march 3 miles with a police escort to the White House, where we will gather in support of President Donald Trump. This needs to go viral. The left is planning major protests and marches across the U.S. in opposition to Trump. It is time that we stand up and take America back!! Hope to see you there God Bless you and America.

For more information please email us at or call us at 1 (855) 729-1237 or visit the main event website at MFAMillionsMarch.Com orMFALadiesMarch.Com

ATTENTION: The official event website will be released this week. We are also seeking volunteers to help organize this incredible nationwide event. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us at the above email or telephone. Thank you

#ScottBinsack #MFA #MFA17 #MillionsUnite17 #LadiesUnite17#TakeBackAmerica #MAGA #MFALadiesOfAmerica #ClassyNotNasty#TheyDontSpeakForMe #RedWhiteBlue17 #MillionsMarch #LadiesMarch#SayNOShariaLaw #StandWTrump17 #TakeAmericaBack

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