A kind reminder to all American taxpayers: don’t forget to pay your taxes, because illegal aliens are expecting their free benefits.
This is wrong on so many levels! Instead of fixing our problems and making life of American citizens better, we are wasting billions of dollars on people who didn’t do anything to deserve it.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my taxes to be wasted on maintaining an insane army of freeloaders. I’d much rather pay for a huge border wall!
This is wrong on so many levels! Instead of fixing our problems and making life of American citizens better, we are wasting billions of dollars on people who didn’t do anything to deserve it.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my taxes to be wasted on maintaining an insane army of freeloaders. I’d much rather pay for a huge border wall!

Grace Roo
The courts (judges of 9th CC, who stopped the ban. below) are allowing them to come in and get our free tax dollars. These refugees get plenty of your tax money. The welfare refugees systems gives them cash $1500 up front and all the rest that goes with the welfare program. Many of the refugees hide their money, then get our money to start businesses here. After that, they bring their family members over to do the same as they did. An endless hand into our treasury department paid for by you.
Taxpayers should not be paying for these refugees and illegals. This is not right. judges, politicians and liberals paychecks should be used to pay for this program, if they want it so much.. Cut judges, politicians and liberals paychecks to the average taxpayer rate and then we might see a change in their attitude.
Stand with Trump, and we should see changes for us, the American citizens, workers who don't get much of a break today. Stand with Trump!!
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