Graysea says:
Who is she kidding? ILLEGALS/ISIS/REFUGEES pouring in illegally over the borders, brought in by the government and getting taxpayer funded benefits, that the USA taxpayers and veterans can't even get. This candidate is unfit for office. Her policies about the ILLEGALS/REFUGEES, let alone her policies in the Far East are so questionable. Her exposed emails and careless actions in Benghazi are unacceptable.
We see ILLEGALS protected in "sanctuary cities" and these high officials know they exist and do nothing about them. We see ILLEGALS/REFUGES going to our schools (taxpayers paying) and some are getting college tuition that our taxpaying children are not getting. (and these freebee illegals and refugees don't end up with huge student loans to pay like we USA citizens do) We see ILLEGALS/REFUGEES getting medical assistance, no questions asked, where taxpayers and veterans need to wait for, or not get at all, because of the whim of some clerk whether you qualify or not. We see ILLEGALS/IMMIGRANTS (with the approval of elected town officials) burning American flags and waving Mexican flags, terrorizing law abiding citizens coming from a political event, and officials told to stand off and watch as USA citizens are being physical injured. All of this is OK and overlooked by the higher up agencies: Washington, AG, FBI, ICE, CIA, etc. Silence from the top officials on down the line. The Democratic candidates like open borders and seem to think all of this is OK, as long as they can keep signing up voters, Illegal or legal, doesn't matter, as long as they sign up Democratic voters.
The heck with the USA taxpaying citizens, these candidates need to keep that comfortable political office that brings them in tons of money, either by speaking engagements, or some other way that we the USA citizens don't even know about, but only can guess at. What the political officials have done to the law abiding taxpaying citizens is not acceptable anymore. We are not going to take this disregard for the average Americans who are overlooked and placed last in the eyes of these officials - who were elected to look out and work for the USA citizens. Not happening today!
These officials in office today are trying to step over America, in favor of forming a Global government where our Constitution will be over ruled by outsiders. We desperately need to change where this nation is going. Don't take part in what they are allowing to happen in the USA today. It will get worse if you vote the same politicians in. Make your vote count this time around. Change the same old same old. Vote for Mr. Trump. It's our only hope to get back our country - and our true American "We the people" values as we have always cherished and were guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America..
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