Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Judge Gonzalo Curiel and Trump University Lawsuits

Judge Gonzalo Curiel and Trump University Lawsuits

Read all about this "poor" judge who the Democrats want to rally around. Scholarships to illegals? Why is Judge Curiel still a judge??? He has broken the laws of the USA by aiding the criminals who broke the law.  It is reported that the judge/group has rewarded those illegal students with ($$) scholarships, instead of awarding the scholarships to our deserving law-abiding students/citizens of the USA.  This is not good in my book of rules (and Mr Trump, too, it seems), or maybe the rules of law in the USA doesn't count for the higher up "elites" or the LaRaza groups or the illegals!      
 Hummm!!!!     I see, it's only the American taxpayers/citizens that have to follow the rules/laws and pay the taxes.   Actions such as this by these officials, like aiding/rewarding the illegals/criminals who have no regard or respect for the USA Constitution or the laws of the land, must be stopped.  The elected/appointed higher officials must be accountable to the American citizens, who expect their officials to uphold the laws of the land and take action against anyone who does not.
We have an opportunity to get a candidate into office who will enforce and embrace America's fundamental rights to be free and safe in a land of law abiding citizens who love their country.  
Americans first! Vote Trump!
Things will be right for the USA, for a change, if we get Mr Trump in office .  Vote Trump!

Hillary Clinton’s liberal mainstream media are in full “spin mode” carving their latest anti-Trump attack. The narrative being widely perpetuated both in the media and DC…

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