Thursday, November 19, 2015

Why America?

Why are thousands of refugees coming to America 
at the taxpayer expense? 
Why aren't the neighboring Muslim countries taking these refugees in to their country? 
 Why can't the Syrians fight for their own country?
Why isn't the Taxpayer money being used 
to take care of our veterans?
 Why is there no money, in the account that we paid into,
for the much needed senior's COLA?
  Why are we doing this at all and in a fast way?
  Why isn't the safety of the American people first priority?
Why are we taking a chance to change our way of life:
our customs, our dreams, our purposes, etc?
  So many whys?????  
I am disgusted with our elected officials!  I am very proud of Governor Baker of MASS and all the Governors of the states who took a stand for the American people and vowed to make us safe.   We already have a heavy burden of 11 million illegals in the country disregarding our laws,  and now this.  Our forefathers must be rolling in their graves.  If we keep this up, we all will be.
The Soudiens have CONDITIONED tents that could accommodate 3 million refugees ...

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