Saturday, November 14, 2015

Call your Congress/ Senator representative

Yesterday morning, President Obama declared that we had “contained ISIS.” Yet a week ago, ISIS murdered 224 people aboard a Russian plane, and now Friday night, Paris was struck by a multi-layered attack that resulted in over 125 people murdered, many more wounded, and a world again left in shock. We are clearly not dealing with leashed animals or with a JV team. We’re dealing with a threat to western civilization. During the debate last week, I stated that we should not admit those claiming to be Syrian refugees and was condemned by the left for that position. I was right and the events in Paris affirm that. Even the far left and politically correct government of France has closed its borders. It’s time for a President who will act to protect Americans, not just talk and protect the image of Islam.
I call for the following:
1. Close our borders instead of Guantanamo.
2. Institute an immediate moratorium on admission to those persons from countries where there is strong presence of ISIS or Al-Qaeda.
3. Build a coalition that will include NATO, Russia, and nations of the Middle East to aggressively destroy ISIS. Nations who refuse to participate will be sanctioned and isolated.
4. Revoke any agreement with Iran regarding their nuclear capacity. Radical Islamists, whether Sunni or Shia, are a clear and present danger to civilization.

Are you concerned about the 10,000 refugees who just arrived in New Orleans? Are you concerned with the 800,000 coming into the USA without a vote from your rep.? Are you concerned with the illegal immigrants here already? Have you had enough of open borders? Are you sick of hearing from your elected officials that the ISIS army is contained - and they are not? Please make your voice heard.
Call your representative.  MA listed below.
Representing Massachusetts
Elizabeth Warren
Phone: 202-224-4543

Edward J. Markey
Phone: 202-224-2742

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