The majority of Congressional Democrats were disrespectful to President Trump and it showed up sharply in the Democratic section of the hall. How rude were they, these professional Congressional members, to sit there during the address and not respond to at least some of the issues that were presented.
For example, the professional Congresswomen wearing white outfits to make a statement surely must have made plenty of Americans upset. I believe that many citizens who voted for the platform that the President plans to implement to Make America Great Again were totally disgusting to see them just sitting there, unemotional. They certainly don't speak for me and my family.
It seems like they are all for law breaking and failure: overlooking ILLEGAL immigrants, UN-VETTED refugees, FAILING Obamacare, ISLAMIC TERRORIST, OPEN BORDERS, INCITING rioting and disruption, etc... These sore loser Democrats are dragging their feet and doing everything they can to try to bring our President down.
They aren't even doing their job of approving his nominees. (PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS APPROVED IN RECORD TIME). They can make all the excuses they want on all the liberal news stations; but we who watch this, can see right through them. It's just like the white outfits, absolutely out of place at a Congressional address by the President of the United States. Disrespect in the highest way.
They need to face the facts the we have a great President and he needs everyone in Congress to come together for the sake of the United States. There is no way the Democrats are even trying to come together. I just hope the citizens in their areas see this disgusting group and vote them out of office as soon as possible.
Then again, I am wondering why are they doing this? Who is behind this? The shadow Government? I am beginning to wonder if the FBI should look into this.
I know one thing, I am fully behind my President and totally against anarchy ( a situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws). IMO, if they do not want to work with the President, then I suggest they resign, step aside and let someone else take their place who will work to make America a better place for all AMERICANS.
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