Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hillary has conveniently used "extensive carelessness" to a tee, swaying in what ever direction she wants issues to go.

Well now, it seems for years now Hillary has conveniently used "extensive carelessness" to a tee, swaying in what ever direction she wants issues to go. Very masterful - and very unethical! What a history! Just 19 minutes of it here. She's had years of accumulating money with all kinds of accusations and charges against her, and somehow came out on top; as what we saw happen recently with the email disaster. The Clinton's were very active with continuous pardons, money moves/exchanges and lots of tax audits on their get-even list of people they disliked and retaliation on acquaintances. How convenient to be in powerful positions. All of this in Hillary's background even up to today. Still people will vote for her; mainly, because she is a woman. How pitiful! Who would ever want this careless woman in the White House, in charge of our security, her hand on the nuclear button, making high level decisions, sending and receiving TOP SECRET documents, allowing open borders letting in illegal immigrants, bringing in thousands of un-vetted refugees who do not adapt to the American way - and who knows what else she would do behind those closed doors. Shady to say the least! I hope she is disqualified. I do not want to see my children and grandchildren in harms way. Never! Not ever!

Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton. Join us on Facebook!https://www.facebook.com/nohillaryin2016

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