Sunday, April 3, 2016

Donald Trump 'Banned' From West Hollywood

Read the eye-opening comment by an Hispanic American citizen below.  I am sure many people do not know that these things go on in the USA.  It is unbelievable that it has gone this far.  We American citizens need to get our country back.  Only way to do that is to Vote Trump

Donald Trump is not welcome to host campaign events in West Hollywood, the city's mayor said this week in an LGBT magazine.


 Very outstanding information in this comment posted in the article. 
I agree with Trump because with regard to illegals, I know that they come to the US seeking their American Dream financed by the American people via increased taxes to pay for welfare, food stamps, free educations, free health care, free housing, Obamaphones, etc.
I also know firsthand that;
They pay American citizens to register their illegal cars for them.
They pay DMV employees under the table to get licenses and IDs without ever having to take the written or driving test.
They buy auto insurance long enough to get their cars registered then drop it.
Some of them absolutely vote in our elections. They feel entitled after being in the US illegally for so long.
They admittedly commit crimes including rape and murder and then simply exit the country and re-enter with new fraudulent documents.
They are willing to work for minimum wage using stolen socials because they claim the maximum number of dependents and no, they do not file taxes at year end thus they are able to earn more than Americans in these very jobs who would be fined/imprisoned for doing the same. Some owners of these companies will call their places of business and warn these illegals when they receive IRS mismatch letters on them because they are using stolen socials and ask them to quit and reapply with a different one the following day.
They steal two socials, one to work under and the other to apply for welfare, food stamps, Obamacare, etc.
Report: Gov’t Granted $750 Million Obamacare Funds to Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants
Going to the doctor for basic care means an emergency room at a local hospital and they all know that claiming chest pains and shortness of breath gets them to the front of the line and they simply walk away without a second thought to the bill. They move around to different hospitals, especially when it comes to major medical care to avoid getting caught and it is the American people who are left holding the bag.
They steal the birth certificates of babies and children who die at a very young age and even live children who will not even realize their identities have been stolen until much later in life.
Many from within the same immediate families take jobs for the sole purpose of filing fraudulent workmen's comp claims which they later convert to lifetime disability claims as a way of remaining in the country supported by the taxpayers for life. It is what they call "easy money" and they teach others to do the same.
We have fraud with regard to our own government employees who will sign these illegals up for welfare, food stamps, etc. knowing full well that they are illegal. They too can be bribed.
I could go on and on with the numerous ways in which they are stealing from and defrauding the American people.
With regard to Donald Trump, millions of minorities Hispanic or otherwise absolutely know with 100% certainty that this is not about not being a welcoming nation, hatred, bigotry, racism, xenophobia, fascism, discrimination, being nativists, anti-Immigrant, anti-Hispanic, "white supremacists", etc. and we find such accusations offensive! This is about the economic survival of our nation/citizenry thus we are absolutely anti-parasite/moocher/leech/sponger/bloodsucker/freeloader, etc.
For millions of American citizens of Latino/Hispanic descent this is about, honor, integrity, morals, values, self-respect, & our belief in the rule of law & that the US is a sovereign nation & that supersedes shared blood, ancestry, & heritage, thus to suggest that we would even consider abandoning those very values & beliefs ingrained in us to support millions of illegals is an insult of epic proportions.

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