Saturday, March 26, 2016

Nevada for Donald Trump 2016

From West W.
This is happening in Temecula right now..C'mon CA you can do this in your neighborhood can't you? Join your county group and network today! Show your community that Trump Supporters are not so SILENT!
Crosby Cool's photo.

Greg Griffin I think if an establishment candidate wins this presidential election our country's fate is sealed. This is 'we the people's' last chance to regain control of our nation.

Here's what I see happening:

1. There will be no wall or strengthening of our nation's borders. Liberal, open borders advocates wont allow it. Illegal immigrants will continue to invade our country. This will break our social service system (schools, healthcare, etc.) within 5 years. A system paid for, and intended for use by, American citizens.

2. Globalism will be a done deal. We will hemorrage our country's wealth to the point the USA will be a third world country within 10 years. Global citizenry equals the final nail in the coffin of the American dream. Our children will be looking at a bleak future, indeed.

3. ISIS will wreak havoc throughout the world. The American left will never take the fight to these monsters in a meaningful way. We'll all be in grave danger. Noone will be safe.

4. We will sign up for carbon emission treaties that no other industrialized country will adhere to. Our economy will nose dive within 3 years. Millions will be out of work. Chaos will ensue.

This is our last chance. We'll have no one to blame but ourselves if we choose poorly.

Political correctness can't save us. Parsed, generic, feel good statements won't solve our complex problems.

Only a steel heart and resolute force of will can succeed.

God bless and look over our great nation.

Vote Trump 2016. Do your part to save América.

Mike Janey Sims Trump 2016 for president

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