Saturday, February 6, 2016

20+ Reasons voter fraud or error is suspected:

In a strongly worded editorial on Thursday, The Des Moines Register called on the Iowa Democratic Party to move quickly to prove that Monday’s results are correct.

20+ Reasons voter fraud or error is suspected:
1 – Trump has grossed over 1,000,000 voters attend his rallies. (10,000 – 20,000 people per event)
2 – Less than 50,000 people showed up to caucus for Trump today.
3 – Rubio’s campaign’s second most charitable corporate sponsor is Microsoft
4 – Microsoft counted a majority of the ballots cast
5 – Rubio garnered minor crowds, while Trump filled stadiums, theaters, coliseums, and amphitheaters
6 – Trump SHATTERED attendance records once Palin endorsed Trump
7 – Iowa’s publicly elected GOVERNOR (by proxy of deduction) endorsed Trump
8 – Cruz would positively destroy Iowa’s (a huge farm state) properous ethanol market
9 – Donald Trump’s poll numbers dominated Rubio’s consistently and across the board
10 – Hillary Clinton (under federal investigation, atheist, and pro-choice) was able to take 50% of the total democrat vote from a farm state loaded with evangelicals.
11 – Ted Cruz libelously informed his supporters that Ben Carson was pulling out of the race after rapidly parroting content posted by CNN.
12 – Marco Rubio also followed Cruz’s strategy and “played the fool” after distributing libelous comments regarding Carson pulling out of the race.
13 – Donald Trump absolutely lambasted Cruz’s libelous comments regarding Carson pulling out of the race and calls for Cruz’s votes to be disqualified.
14 – Ted Cruz’s victory speech incorporated “YES WE CAN” as part of his rhetoric.
15 – “Yes We Can” spoken backwards translates to “Thank You, Satan“.
16 – Trump and Palin have referred to Cruz as ‘Satanic‘ and a ‘Liar‘.  Cruz has formally apologized for cheating.
17 – Rubio has questionable ties to the ‘lavender mafia’ (aka ‘gay mafia‘)
18 – Rubio has been confirmed as an establishment GOP/RINO as he is John McCain’s protege
19 – Ted Cruz skips vote for Audit The Fed and takes loan from Goldman Sachs for $1,000,000
20 – Over 20 more citations that validate Ted Cruz is an establishment GOP crony
21 – One last thing… Ted Cruz is allegedly a Freemason of the highest order.

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