Saturday, November 12, 2016

...a way to show how to respect our President elect Trump and his family.

Graysea's comment: 
We who voted for President elect Trump would like to see that all the American citizens stand up for him and show respect for him and his family. I don't see that happening with all of these protest "riot" rallies all across the country. I have even seen death threats from high officials, which should be an act of treason. 
There are officials: media, government and schools, who are very smug/nasty, also misleading many young people. It is beyond believe that these riots are into there fourth day. How about some real fines, sentences and jail time for the "violent" so call peaceful protesters. The phony, paid for protests are lasting way too long for working American citizens who voted for Mr. Trump. So much disrespect, so much treasonous actions by many in the peaceful "rioting" group.
I don't see the peaceful protesters helping the citizens being beaten/murdered. I don't see many arrest of thugs destroying private property and government property.  Why aren't the peaceful protesters helping out and trying to stop it???? We need to see firmer actions by our elected officials and I don't see that happening.
I think we law abiding citizens should go on strike and find a way to show how to respect our President elect Trump and his family. Any one got an ideal how the silent majority can break up this nonsense ??????

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Trump is the Voice to the American People and for Everyone that came to these Nation Legally and contributed to make our Nation great!!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Here’s how you decide who to vote for:

Great article, please read the full article as the writer gives you so much important information.  If you are rushing through, go to this section at the bottom for quick read.

"Here’s how you decide who to vote for:"

Andrews: Trump or Clinton will be President. Here’s how to decide who to vote for.

My name is Andy Andrews. I am a husband and a father. I have written several books, a couple of which have been moderately successful. In a national discussion of celebrity, money, or power, however, I would not be mentioned.

My family and friends love me though, and in Alabama, where I was born, I like to believe there are those who are happy that I still live here. As for my books, they seem to defy conventional literary description and are most often characterized as “stories of common sense.” That’s fine with me. In fact, it’s exactly what I was after all along.
Through the years, for whatever reason, I decided to make “common sense” my personal quest. The most important part of that quest, I determined, would be to somehow develop the ability to harness common sense for the benefit of other people. Specifically, I prayed to learn how to take complicated subjects that were confusing people and explain to them the “bottom line truth” in a simple, understandable fashion. I wanted to be able to do this in order that they might utilize that understanding in ways that would make their lives better—that would prosper them and their families.
That brings me to today, the looming 2016 presidential election, and perhaps the most critically important issue I have ever attempted to explain:

Why You Must Vote

(even if you must hold your nose while doing so. And…)
Why There Are Only Two Candidates from Which to Choose

First, allow me to say that I am not an admirer of either candidate. I never have been. My wife and I have two teenaged sons and, like you, we are aware that manners and good behavior are a reflection of character. That said, it is ironic that many of us now find ourselves in the position of choosing a president of the United States whose conduct we would not tolerate in our own family.
But choose we must, for this is the first election in our lifetimes that has virtually nothing to do with the “personality” who will serve as our president. This election is about the Supreme Court.
This time, forget everything else. Forget crimes that may have been committed. Forget any alleged sexual assault. Forget the possibility of treasonous acts, adultery, fraud, vindictiveness, and mean or childish behavior. Think only of the Supreme Court. For the first time in your life, you really are about to determine what this country will be like for the rest of your life. This is true, also, for the lives of your children and your children’s children.
As a people, we have not had a choice before us with more power to heal or destroy since the civil war. The United States of America is clearly about to move down one of two roads. No rhetoric can disguise either path. And once the Supreme Court is in place, no Congress or Senate can change that path.
This coming Tuesday, November 8, 2016, you and I will choose which of two people will become president. Soon after being inaugurated, that person will begin the process of selecting the person who will fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court—the one who will tip the scales one way or the other. Laws will be upheld or overturned. New laws will be imposed or not. In either case, the way you are allowed to live will soon be determined by the Supreme Court. The court’s majority will be determined by the new president. But one thing is certain: after Tuesday, you will have no more say in the matter.
Lest you think this might be a temporary situation, able to be shifted or redone by the next president, it is critical to understand that whichever of the two major candidates we elect this Tuesday will be the person who will set the Supreme Court in stone for generations. The person we elect this Tuesday will not be making one Supreme Court appointment, but perhaps as many as four!
Considering possible retirements and death, look at the court’s current makeup: The vacant seat is that of Justice Scalia who recently died at the age of 79. Of the eight justices that remain, five—Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Sotomayor, and Kagan—are under the age of 70. The rest are far older. Justice Breyer is 78, Justice Kennedy is 80, and Justice Ginsburg is 83 and has been treated for pancreatic cancer.
Supreme Court appointments are for life. This means that the justices serve until they resign, retire, or die. Therefore, a president able to appoint even one member of the court is able to determine the direction of the country. Especially in the situation that exists at present…
The court has voted 5-4 on crucial decisions for years. The swing vote (Scalia) died. The person we elect as president this Tuesday will appoint Scalia’s replacement—the new swing vote.
Pay Close Attention: During the next four years of the president’s term, he or she will likely appoint a second Supreme Court justice. The votes on crucial decisions will then be decided by a vote of 6-3. The opportunity to appoint a third and even a fourth justice to the court will allow whomever we elect on Tuesday the ability to cement the Supreme Court’s voting—think 7-2 or imagine 8-1—for as long as you live.

So it all comes down to this:

First, be aware that there is no possibility of a third party winning this election. None. Therefore, a vote for a third party candidate is a wasted vote. “But I am voting my conscience,” you say. Fine. Just remember that it will be your body (not your conscience) and your children who will live in the world our Supreme Court is about to create. Forever.
Do you want a say in what that world will be like? I’m sorry, but there are only two choices. Him or her.
Yes, I understand. You are furious at being put in a position to have to choose between the “lesser of two evils.” I do understand. It is infuriating. On the other hand, you must understand that “the lesser of two evils” is the only choice you’ve ever had in any election in which you’ve ever voted in your life! Jesus has never run for office. That leaves only the rest of us—you and me—well-meaning, good-hearted people who, despite our best intentions, have still managed to lie, cheat, and say things out loud for which we remain grateful to this day that no one recorded during what we thought was a private conversation.
It is time to put away our self-righteousness. It is time to wake up and understand that we have no ability—zero—to make either candidate feel our contempt with our vote. Even if we did, they would not care! ONE OF THESE TWO PEOPLE WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT. Neither you nor I will change that fact by voting for someone else or by not voting at all.
The only way you can possibly vote this time and have it matter is to vote for the America in which you wish to live. That America will be defined by the Supreme Court justices chosen by one of the two major candidates.
For once in our lives, whatever “President” we have to watch on television for the next four years doesn’t matter. We have all suffered through four or eight years of one presidential face or another and, this time, we will do it again. That face will not matter. In the long run, that person’s name will not matter. ONLY THE JUSTICES THAT PERSON CHOOSES FOR THE SUPREME COURT MATTERS!
Remember that whoever the president of the United States is…whoever the president might ever be—despite the amount of television time they get, no matter the round office and forget the cool plane—that person’s actual power, his or her ability to truly affect your day-to- day life, is extremely limited. Congress, Senate, the will of the people, the approval of the media…all are very real factors that prey upon a president’s ability to do as he or she wishes.
The Supreme Court, on the other hand, is under no such constraints. Once appointed, there is virtually no oversight or even influence that can be brought to bear. The media? Polls? Voters? There is no quarterly review, no coming election. A Supreme Court justice is appointed for life. His or her word is, quite literally, the law. These are the big laws, the ones that determine your daily life.
And the only chance you have to shape those laws is by electing the person who chooses the members of the court. So hold your nose if you wish, there are only two choices…

Here’s how you decide who to vote for:

Both major candidates have announced exactly the kind of justices they will choose for the Supreme Court if elected. One candidate has even listed the names of the judges from which the choice will be made. Your choice will be plain to see and easy to make. Again, your choice is not about a person. In the most literal sense, your choice is about the America in which you wish to live.
Knowing there are many issues that will be determined by the Supreme Court, let’s quickly examine only a few. From here, you will easily understand the direction you wish to take.

Second Amendment

Do you believe that guns are inherently bad? Do you believe that there are too many guns, that gun manufacturers should be held responsible for what individuals do with them, and that the government needs to further restrict the public’s right to own and use guns? If so, you must vote for her. She has publicly promised to appoint judges that will make these beliefs the basis for laws by which we all will live for the rest of our lives.
Or do you believe strongly in the “right to bear arms”? Do you believe that further gun restrictions will only restrict the access honest citizens have to firearms and ammunition? Do you believe that a gun—while dangerous—is a tool like a car and that when used incorrectly, it is the fault of a person, not the fault of the tool? If so, you must vote for him. He has publicly promised to appoint judges that will make laws according to this line of thinking. At that point, we will live with those laws for the rest of our lives.
And this Second Amendment issue will be determined by the Supreme Court.


Do you believe that the fetus inside a pregnant woman is a tissue mass and that a woman should be able to rid her body of that tissue mass at any time during the nine months prior to that tissue mass being born? Do you believe that tissue mass only becomes a human being once it is outside the woman’s body? Do you believe that your tax dollars should be used to allow anyone who chooses, for whatever reason, to rid their body of that tissue mass?
Do you believe that counseling centers, funded by churches, set up for the purpose of encouraging adoption should be forced by law to offer abortion counseling as an alternative? If so, you must vote for her. She has publicly promised to appoint judges that will enforce these beliefs into laws by which you and I must live for the rest of our lives.
Or do you believe that the baby inside a mother is a human being? Do you believe that life has a purpose and that, from the moment of conception, each and every child is unique and valuable?
Do you believe that you should not be forced to fund Planned Parenthood—the largest abortion provider in America—with your tax dollars? Do you believe more than 50 million government-approved abortions in the United States since 1970 are enough? If so, you must vote for him. He has publicly promised to appoint judges that will reduce, restrict, and eventually do away with abortion on demand and what you believe will be made into laws by which you and I will live for the rest of our lives.
And this abortion issue will be determined by the Supreme Court.


Do you believe the United States should move toward a policy of “open borders”? Do you believe undocumented persons in the United States illegally should not only be allowed to stay, but issued driver’s licenses, food stamps, and provided medical care? Do you believe that if someone wishes to enter our country, they have every right to do so without explanation? If so, you must vote for her, for she has publicly promised to appoint judges that will reverse laws currently on the books regarding immigration. These laws will eventually lead to her stated “dream of open borders” and a new way of life for us all.
Or do you believe that America’s borders are her first line of defense? Do you believe that the word “illegal” means just that? Do you believe that only legally recognized citizens of America have a right to her benefits and protection as provided by your tax dollars? Do you believe America has not only the right, but the responsibility to carefully vet those who seek to enter our country? If so, you must vote for him, for he has publicly promised to appoint judges that will make and defend laws in line with those beliefs.

Regulatory Oversight

Do you believe the government is more capable of determining how your money should be used? Do you believe the government is better able to determine how your children should be educated? Do you believe the government should determine who can do business where and with whom? Do you believe a person should be given priority because of what they believe, what they are, or what they believe they are? If so, you must vote for her, for she has publicly promised to appoint judges who will open our borders, our bathrooms, and our wallets. She has promised laws to punish those who do not agree.
Or do you believe you can decide what’s best for your family? Do you believe that if you earn a certain amount of money you should be able to keep and reinvest the largest part of it to benefit those things you decide are important? Do you believe the government has been created to serve the people, not the other way around? If so, you must vote for him, for he has publicly promised to appoint judges whose rulings allow prosperity for those who work to deserve it.
These are but a few examples of the two pathways you will choose this Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Religious freedom, taxes and the economy, healthcare…in every category you examine, you’ll find drastic differences in the America that will be shaped by this election. Don’t be fooled—how you vote matters, because the Supreme Court matters.
So what kind of America will we have for the rest of our lives? This time, you actually get to choose.

Brigitte Gabriel's Urgent Election Message

A message to voters

A message to voters:

A message from Graysea to voters thinking of voting for Hillary Clinton:

With all the information everywhere, all around for you to see, about Hillary Clinton and the ongoing investigations of her Clinton Foundation, deletions of emails, missing devices, etc…, and you in good conscience, can vote for her with all her law breaking corruption and lies, then I am afraid you haven’t read enough to understand what will happen to the future of America and how much collusion and corruption will continue to go on in the United States Government.

Hillary Clinton has been in the public eye/office for 30 years and has a long list of underhanded, questionable activities detrimental to USA and the laws of the land for years now; and, has misled the American people for all these years. It seems that half of the voters are overlooking all of the articles and information published this past year and may be thinking that it is all made up. You may be very much blinded thinking all the writers are wrong and believing that she is telling you the truth. So much is her back history and is not made up: years of legal accusations, historic documentation, proven corruption activities and exposure of confidential information to many countries and on many computers, etc…

Hillary gives a great rehearsed, made up, feel-good, wordy speech that simply hides all the real issues facing America.  And, being a politician and being in the “in” group of corrupted politicians has an advantage for someone like her in office for 30 years.  It does absolutely nothing for you, Joe Public, who has to live with their manipulations.  The DNC and Hillary are deceiving the public with their predetermined political priorities owed to the backers, the PACs and the foreign donors.  Think about it for a while; read about it.  It’s all out there to see.  Don’t be a sheep and follow the herd being pushed and directed to the cliff’s edge.  Get those blinders off.  See what Hillary’s backers are trying to put over on you.  Don’t say “no way”; yes, they are there with an agenda and she has them all going alone with her right into the WH, looking for their payback. If you vote for her, you have to consider that she is beholden to all the PACs and foreign leader who have given her millions of dollars for her campaign. Ask yourself, WHY?  

You have a clear choice now to vote for a candidate who says, over and over again, that he will put America first and make America Great Again.  Think about it!  What better way to clean up the corruption and favoritism in the Government today.  A non-politician, who has proven he can build a successful business, who has used his own money to pursue the office and has no one hanging on to his tails and will put America first, bring back jobs, protect the citizens and build a wall to protect us.  What a great platform he has for all Americans!  Think about it: A non-politician who loves America! A non-politician who will put American issues first. Yes, a vote for Donald J. Trump would be in the best interest of the American people.  He has my vote already, why not give him a chance and give him your vote, as well.   

Another thing is the abortion issue. Hillary Clinton believes that a 9 month unborn baby can be aborted/killed. It is murder, as far as I am concerned. Can you imagine an unborn 9 month old baby can be killed and people don't mind and will vote for this kind of behavior. I do not understand how anyone could go along with this. Never Hillary!